Vince Kidd has the best voice I've heard in a very long time. It is rich, gravelly and realllly powerful. In fact - It's so pleasing to the ear that I could easily give up carbohydrates for a week if it meant I could have his voice for dinner every night. Literally - it's that good.
Last week I went to watch him at The Boogaloo in Archway, and I'm pleased to say his voice is just as thick in real life as it is on record. He's got this amazing American 1950's thing going on - but with a punky twist. Maybe if you mixed Elvis with Sid Vicious (If that were humanly possible) you might get Vince Kidd.
Look at him here! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Vince-Kidd/132109196822147
And you can hear him chatting to me on the Filthy Disco soon!
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