Every Thursday a wonderfully eclectic party takes place at the Notting Hill Arts Club called YoYo. It's run by DJ whizz kids Seb Chew and Leo Greenslade.
The wonderful thing about this particular party is that each week is very different. Sometimes full of Hip Hoppers, other times Indie Kids and there's always a different vibe. There have been occasions when I've enjoyed it immensely and other times not so much - you just don't know what you're going to get!
Last night though must be one of my favourite editions. I went to review the Canadian band Dragonette for my radio show. I'm ashamed to admit that I hadn't heard of Dragonette before this - even though they released an album in 2007 on Mercury Records. (I must have been under a rock or in the jungle for this!)
Anyway, I found the lead singer Martina Sorbara captivating. She has this quirky confidence on stage and her voice has a sort of Karen O/Uffie quality (not that I'm comparing her to them of course.) I loved her hair too, and she was wearing these great high waist jeans. My favourite songs were Pick Up The Phone and Fixin' A Thrill which is the title of their latest album.

I love finding bands like this, makes you remember why you love music.
There was also a very peculiar severed arm hanging from the ceiling. Must have been left over from Halloween. Hope so anyway, or that's just wrong.

After the show Seb Chew and his crew cracked out some filthy music, lots of Dubby Bassy stuff and me and my good friend Sarah Palmer couldn't contain ourselves. As you can tell by these pictures.

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