The very thing that gave Yeasayer the ultimate cool factor was that they weren’t ever trying to be cool. With bad clothes and even worse waist long hair Chris Keating, Ira Wolf Tuton and Anand Wilder were doing everything in their power to be the un-coolest things around. They failed though and are currently the hippest things going, and being friends with MGMT hasn’t dented their image in the slightest.
Odd Blood is the follow up to their 2007 album All Hour Cymbals and this time it’s more of an electro pop journey than the jangly folk inspired woodland walk of the last album. Odd Blood is an erratic romp through a mysterious world of shaky vocals and big tribal drums, the harmonies are in full force and the hooks are killer.
The haunting and psychedelic echoes of Madder Red allow the album an uplifting and epic beginning whilst the sure fire pop singles Ambling Alp and O.N.E are up there with Passion Pits catchy-yet-quirky bangers. Although wishy washy and limp moments come in the form of the opener The Children and the closing track Grizelda which both epically fall flat on their faces and are unfortunately placed and obvious fillers.
Shame really, because everything in between is impressive, in an un-cool kind of way of course.
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